Top Farms near undefined
Country Village Farms LLC
5382 mi
Country Village Farms is a Veteran and Family owned farm designed to raise great food locally.
Fat Chicken Farm
5382 mi
In 2015, Brian Gongloff discovered his low energy was due to a number of food allergies and sensitivities that restricted how he was absorbing nutrients. He learned he was allergic or sensitive to a long list of foods including meat, eggs and dairy. What do you do if you find out you can no longer eat any beef products due to an allergy? If you’re Brian Gongloff, you decide to focus on the foods you can eat, and eat the best quality you can find, even if that means growing your own. In 2020, after raising a small flock of American Bresse chickens for himself and his family, and tasting the superior flavor and texture in these rare birds, Gongloff decided to produce as many chickens as possible for his own consumption and to share with others who also value top quality, locally grown, non-gmo, sustainable meat. fat chicken farm blue sky What was once something to do on a whim became a hobby, then a lifestyle and a passion. Brian now has hundreds of American Bresse chickens on more than fourteen acres of pasture. With four lines of breeding stock, selected for size, fertility, vigor and traits, Brian hatches weekly for his own flock and for sale to others who are passionate about raising their own sustainable flock while working to improve the Bresse breed. If you know about chickens, you know about chicken math and what started with 20 chickens has become hundreds. We have 4 breeding lines that live in extra large coops with runs next to our garden. Our birds raised for meat and our capons go out to the field to live in tractors on pasture. We currently have 4 tractors and are building more.
7 Log Farm
5382 mi
The 7 Log Farms was founded in 2021 with the simple idea of clearing the woods in our yard. Instead of using heavy machinery we decided to begin a fun family venture by utilizing livestock and regenerative practices. We used small ruminants to clear the foliage and pigs to till up and clear the ground. We then rotated free range chickens on the newly cleared ground and allowed them to sow and fertilize our seed. By using this practice, we turned old growth forage into lush silva pasture. We have since expanded our small operation to two other properties where we continue to grow livestock using free range and rotational grazing practices. 7LF is now USDA certified to sell and ship our products anywhere in the nation. We are currently selling packaged pork, lamb, and free range eggs.
CX Meat Company
5382 mi
We are a family farm operation that specializes in raising high quality pork & beef products. We sell retail products like you would find in the grocery store and we also do portions as well (1/4, 1/2, and whole animals).
R&B Rhyne Farm
5382 mi
What began as an escape from Urban life to a more rural area slowly developed into a passion for sustainability and creating a healthy environment to call home. Starting slowly with chickens and gardening we have grown into raising beef cattle, pasture raised pork and eggs as well as blackberries. As we have grown we are now able to share our "goodness" with others on a broader scale. Our mission is simple, to provide quality food for our family and others. We strive to give back to the earth through the use of farming techniques that build the soil such as rotational grazing and silvopasture.
Acorn Acres Farmstead
5382 mi
Acorn Acres Farmstead is a pasture based, regenerative livestock farm raising pigs, chickens, ducks, and geese. Our animals live their best lives roaming freely through our pastures and wood lots in the fresh air and sunshine. Our animals never receive subtherapeutic antibiotics, hormones, or feed additives. We also source our Non GMO supplemental feed from a local mill to give our animals a well balanced diet. We offer a full range of pork products from pork chops to sausage. We also have bulk packages and bbq pigs available. Our chicken is offered as whole birds and individual cuts such as boneless, skinless breasts and party wings. Our pasture based laying flock provides us with farm fresh chicken and duck eggs for sale. Let us help you feel good about what you put on your table to feed your family.
In Season Aquaponics
5382 mi
We grow our veggies using three main sustainable hydroponic techniques; nutrient film technique (nft), bato bucket, and deep water culture systems. These systems allow us to be really stingy with water and very precise with nutrients and pH. The result is exceptionally good growth and taste with very little water use- basically what is lost through the leaves of the plants. We add to the sustainability of the farm with a recirculating aquaculture system where we raise fish in tanks of fresh water. In this system, we feed the fish a high protein diet that supports vigorous growth. The fish process this feed and generate ammonia and solid waste as a byproduct. We filter the solid waste out of the water and compost it to create nutrients that are then utilized in the hydroponic systems. We also filter the water in the fish system with a biological filter that converts the ammonia created by the fish into nitrates that are perfect for growing leafy greens in our deep water culture where the veggies remove the nitrates helping to keep the water clean and healthy for the fish. It's a very symbiotic process that is highly sustainable. We further added to our sustainability with a solar array and battery backup. This allows us to generate more electricity than we currently use while ensuring all of our life support systems stay up and running.
Wood Angus Farm
5382 mi
From our farm we sell beef, pork and eggs. Our beef and pork comes from cows and hogs that are pasture raised on the farm or locally sourced from other farmers with similar farming practices. Our beef and pork is processed in an ethical manner by local NC inspected meat processing facilities and is packaged and frozen for customer convenience. Our eggs are cage free and are collected daily from hens that live here on our farm.
Five J's Farm
5382 mi
Five J’s is a multigenerational Family Farm. We raise all natural, pasture raised beef and pork.
Sweet Peas Urban Gardens
5382 mi
We are a regenerative urban farm located in the historic district of downtown Garner open Mon-Sat for pickups. We organically grow specialty crops including microgreens, all types of leafy greens and other produce as well as one of the most substantial varieties of edible flowers locally.
Pope Farms
5382 mi
We are a small family farm located in Knightdale, NC, dedicated to providing our community with high-quality, locally grown beef, pork and produce. By incorporating innovative farming practices while remaining true to our roots we achieve land management, increased production and the highest quality products for our customers. We take great pride in growing and raising products that reflect previous, current and future generations of our farm. Our farm is more than just a career it is our families heritage.
Fuster Cluck Farm
5382 mi
We started raising chickens and growing some vegtables and flowers in square foot gardens in the backyard of our home in Knightdale, NC. Our intent was to grow some of our own food. We wanted to get back to basics. As we grew to enjoy our chickens, we started to wonder if we would be able to add more animals to our backyard. Seeing that we were in a subdivision, we did not think that our neighbors would appreciate a couple of pigs or a cow next door. That sparked our search for a little more land.
Rainbow Meadow Farms
5382 mi
Rainbow Meadow Farms livestock rotationally graze about 300 acres of native grasses and small grain pastures on land that our family owns. The animals thrive on nutrient-rich, chemical-free pastures, enriched by the organic compost from the barns that we brood our baby chicks, farrow our baby pigs and lambs in. Each species in turn serves to better utilize the complete salad bar offering in the pastures, while enhancing the quality of and fertilizing those pastures. This rotational system is essential in producing quality meat products that are nutritionally dense, delicious in taste and contain many health benefits. The natural linoleic acid rich diet that our animals receive has been shown through numerous studies to promote heart health. We have sought out and incorporated livestock breeds based upon their hardiness and ability to thrive on pasture as well as superior taste and tenderness.
Brittany Ridge Farms
5382 mi
Brittany Ridge Farms is located in the eastern part of North Carolina. Discover the perfect protein alternative with our lean and flavorful rabbit meat. Whether grilled, roasted, or stewed, Brittany Ridge Farms provides the freshest and most delicious rabbit for your next meal. 🥩👨🍳
Locally grown believes in fostering sustainable and responsible food choices.
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Releigh, NC
Locally grown believes in fostering sustainable and responsible food choices.
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Releigh, NC